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      1. The Therigatha, the ninth book of the Khuddaka Nikaya, consists of 73 poems — 522 stanzas in all — in which the early nuns (bhikkhunis) recount their struggles and accomplishments along the road to arahantship. Their stories are told with often heart-breaking honesty and beauty, revealing the deeply human side of these Then a certain nun said to a certain man, "Go, my good man, to my lord Ananda and, on arrival, bowing your head to his feet in my name, tell him, 'The nun named such-and-such, venerable sir, is sick, in pain, severely ill. She bows her head to the feet of her lord Ananda and says, "It would be good if my lord Ananda were to go to the nuns The nun Uppala -vaṇṇā — having come back from alms-round after-meal/ afternoon —washed her feet and entered the cottage and sat on a little couch. Then, that young man took up and ruined the nun Uppala-vaṇṇā. The nun Uppala-vaṇṇā told this matter to nuns. The nuns told this matter to the monks. The great Arahant Therī Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī, the heartwood of the Bhikkhunī Saṅgha, fulfilling her duties to the fullest and the utmost, attained the supreme bliss of Nibbāna at the age of 120. Our heartfelt homage to the Great Arahant Therī Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī! Written by a Vener