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Then a certain nun said to a certain man, "Go, my good man, to my lord Ananda and, on arrival, bowing your head to his feet in my name, tell him, 'The nun named such-and-such, venerable sir, is sick, in pain, severely ill. She bows her head to the feet of her lord Ananda and says, "It would be good if my lord Ananda were to go to the nuns Rinawmin Lalpa tan i hlan ang u. Vanglai nun hi hlimthla ang maiin, Hlobet par angin a la chuai mai dawn si; Rinawm takin thatlaini te hi Lalpa tan i hlan ang u, Kan vanglaini a chuai mai dawn a sin. He khawvelah hian harsatna tawkin, Manganna te leh beidawnna te lo thlengin; Sualna chhumpui leh thlemna ten min bei mahse, Nuns' Confession (Pāṭidesaniya) 1. Bi-Pd.1.1.1 BD.3.419 At that time the enlightened one, the lord, was staying at Sāvatthī in the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika 's monastery. Now at that time the group of six nuns, having had ghee [1] asked for, partook of it. At the Nuns' Residence. Bhikkhun'upassaya Sutta (SN 47:10) Navigation Suttas / SN / 47:10. The Blessed One was staying in Sāvatthī. Then Ven. Ānanda, early in the morning—having adjusted his lower robe and taking his bowl & outer robe—went to a certain nuns' residence. On arrival, he sat down on a seat laid out. 196. That nun is very virtuous, her senses are well controlled. She obtained the taste of Nibbāna which has a sweet flavour. 197. [Māra:] There a